Child Development Wheel - Spanish

Target Audience/Outreach: General public awareness. Anyone interested in the development of children from birth to age 5.
Suggestions for Placement: Local Early On® programs, Intermediate School Districts (ISDs), Regional Education Service Agencies (RESAs), local school districts, Great Start Readiness Programs, Telemon agencies, child care centers, daycare providers, preschools, elementary schools, faith-based organizations, human service agencies, physician's/pediatrician's offices, hospitals, primary care offices, Women, Infant, and Children's (WIC) locations, Children's Special Health Care, early childhood home visiting programs, Maternal Infant Health Programs (MIHP), Early Head Start and Head Start programs, homeless shelters, agencies that serve homeless populations, and any office through the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services that serves families with young children.
Special Features: Wheel lists developmental milestones for all children birth up to age 5.
Actual Size: 6.375" diameter