Child Outcomes Summary (COS)
For children, the goal of early intervention and preschool special education is to enable them to be active and successful participants during the early childhood years and in the future in a variety of settings - in their home with their families, in child care, preschool or school programs, and in the community.
States collect and use data on three child outcomes to support this goal:
- Children have positive social-emotional skills (including social relationships).
- Children acquire and use knowledge and skills (including early language/communication [and early literact]).
- Children use appropriate behaviors to meet their needs.
Resources to support positive child outcomes can be found in this section.
Michigan Birth to Five Child Outcomes Training Video
Michigan Birth through Five (0-5) Child Outcomes Summary Process Manual (Revised January 2025) (PDF) - Posted:01/16/2025
This video is a recording of the Child Outcomes training that was provided virtually to personnel across Michigan on December 16, 2022. The training was recorded and is now available as a reference for those who attended the training and for those who would like to learn more about the history, practice, and effective integration of Child Outcomes data.
Early Childhood Technical Assistance (ECTA) Center Resources
Age Anchoring Guidance for Determing COS Ratings (PDF) - Posted:01/21/2025
Breadth of the Three Child Outcomes (PDF) - Posted:07/11/2023
Child Outcomes Summary Team Collaboration (COS-TC) Quality Practices
EDIS COS Organizing Tool (PDF) - Posted:07/11/2023
IEP Outcomes Flow Chart (PDF) - Posted:07/11/2023
IFSP Outcomes Flow Chart (PDF) - Posted:07/11/2023
ND Early Childhood Outcomes Process Age Expectation Developmental Milestones (PDF) - Posted:12/12/2018
ND Early Childhood Outcomes Process Quick Reference (PDF) - Posted:12/12/2018
The Child Outcomes Summary - Team Collaboration (COS-TC) Quality Practice Checklist and Descriptions provides Early On and Preschool Special Education providers online access to the COS-TC quality practice checklist and descriptions, and allows you to practice your learning by watching video clips of COS team meetings with families and rating the extent to which providers in the video used the COS-TC quality practices.
North Dakota's Early Childhood Outcomes Process Age Expectation Developmental Milestones - full version from Birth to age 6.
North Dakota's Early Childhood Outcomes Process Age Expectations Developmental Milestones Quick Reference - Birth to age 6.